Like real-time apps on all of your devices? You can thank Event-Driven Architecture


The world moves in real time, and the demands on individuals, groups, and organizations are constantly changing. This may seem obvious – but many enterprises are still trying to meet their data needs in ways that don’t match this new reality. To keep up with the pace of business, companies must become agile organizations fueled by applications that access, analyze, and distribute data in real time.

Those applications must run on a data fabric that offers the elasticity to scale up and down as needed, efficiently and cost-effectively empowering people with the insights they need to do their jobs better and thus help their companies compete. The foundation of this new data fabric? Event-driven architecture.

Jeff Cotrupe has just launched the event-driven architecture initiative at MongoDB, drawing on insights from colleagues Mat Keep, Eric Holzhauer, and Rob Walters, and his expertise in real-time analytics developed with solutions providers and as an analyst at Stratecast. Current content includes a white paper that helps readers:

  • Explore how the state of the art has quickly evolved from “big data” to fast data — and the implications at an architectural level;
  • Understand requirements, components, and capabilities of event-driven architecture;
  • Learn how MongoDB is core to unleashing the power of real time across the organization; and
  • Review specific use cases and customer proof points presenting companies that are evolving and thriving as a result of working with MongoDB to deploy this innovation- and agility-enhancing architecture.